looking at me like she wants to speak
something perhaps it is help me
get this thing out of my teeth, please though it was delicious now she is licking
computer her mouth must be very strong it is how she loves the
licks and smells it personally, my olfactory sense is quite
acute when
my partner gets home, I smell her I am spending too much time
with dogs (is
that even possible) we lay in the light stain all day
hammocked existence dreamy
warm like that place Ive imagined
in therapy where the angel holds
me but today I am not thinking about that
today I am thinking
about time how slow
used to be how it didnt concern me doubleknotting my
on the
playground but how time now concerns me I am 33 I am
by 11
which means I've had 3 cycles of magic that is a lot time drips
from the
faucet I hear it and ponder whether I want a child drip/drop
they aren't so
different than dogs they give and take but once it's inside you
it has to come out and
that's not even the hardest part you forget the pain
they say but
not till after it
tears through you I understand how much I would love it
I have a
craving I want
an old soul of a child one with starshine in their eyes
and dimples but I
shouldn't be so particular 10
fingers/10 toes a face
that'd be nice I expect the child would change my
body forever it could go
either way i'd love my body more or I'd
love it less but the bleeding
each month I want something to show
for the dues I've
paid I have worked
hard to heal/I am wise and time's faucet is dripping
faster I am like a dog so little time/so much love to give
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