The picket fence means to contain not
so different from her
body wrapped around her spirit will
one day be containerless--
cube removed from tray: melted: evaporated into air no more visibile
than a thought streaking across a face on occasion when she visits those earthlings she loves
(what was her obsession with dying
those years, they'll ask,) when she carried pain
eleven times her weight wading
towards her lover who would hold her in
the night make her eat
her lover would take weight away once
she spoke it into the swirl of her lover's waiting
ear how then she would fear death--
feelings turned on their head now with so much to lose
stiff as a board, light as a
feather you could lift
her with a finger she's afraid she'll
blow away too soon
once they burn her body to ash she'll
settle into the crevices
of tree bark hard to conceive
spirit won't miss
the body won't remember
all the aches the feeling
she always felt of having stuck her
finger into a socket--
everything frazzled nerves frayed on
a sound neon
everything neon grass neon sky
ablaze and hot eyes
in the light that makes her squint she
at the touch of her lover's finger the smell of the breeze
splashes her nostril with citrus power the body won't remember
the body that haunted as well as loved
her the body
through which she experienced pain and
passion made her
bend the body on its toes which
did it's job so well
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